How to apply for IIST spot admissions on July 29th for M.Tech. programs 2015-2016

Missed out on getting admission to IIST M.Tech. courses for 2015? This article provides information on how to get admissions to an M.Tech. program at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) if you missed getting a seat during the earlier admission process. Spot admissions are being conducted by IIST on 29th July 2015 for M.Tech. unfilled seats.

The Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) has announced spot admissions for limited unfilled seats for its M.Tech. programs for the academic year 2015-2016. The M. Tech/M.S students will be required to assist the Departments in academic activities as and when required. Selected candidates will be given scholarship as per AICTE norms.

IIST M.Tech. programs 2015-2016

Department of Aerospace Engineering

  1. Thermal and Propulsion: 3 seats (UR)
  2. Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics: 2 seats (UR)

    Educational qualification for both these programs: (i) You should have a B.Tech. degree or an equivalent degree in Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering. (ii) You should have a valid GATE Score in Aerospace Engineering/Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering.

  3. Structures and Design: 1 seat (OBC)

    Educational qualification: (i) You should have a B.Tech. degree or an equivalent degree in Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering. (ii) You should have a valid GATE Score in Aerospace Engineering/Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering.

Department of Avionics

  1. RF & Microwave Engineering: 2 seats (OBC)

    Educational qualification: (i) You should have a BE/B.Tech, degree or and equivalent degree in Electronics and Communication/ Electronics Engineering/ Electrical Engineering. (ii) You should have a valid GATE Score in Electronics and Communication Engineering.

  2. Digital Signal Processing: 2 seats (UR-1/OBC-1)

    Educational qualification: (i) You should have a BE/B.Tech. degree or an equivalent degree in Electronics and Communication/Electronics & Telecommunication/Telecommunication/Electrical & Electronics Engineering. (ii) You should have a valid GATE Score in Electronics & Communication Engineering.

  3. VLSI and Microsystems: 4 seats (UR-1/OBC-3)

    Educational qualification: (i) You should have a BE/B.Tech. degree or an equivalent degree in Electronics & Communication/Electrical Engineering. (ii) You should have a valid GATE score in Electronics & Communication Engineering.

  4. Control Systems: 3 (UR-2/OBC-1)

    Educational qualification: (i) You should have a BE/B.Tech. degree or and equivalent degree in Electrical & Electronics / Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Instrumentation / Instrumentation & Control Engineering. (ii)You should have a valid GATE score in Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering.

Department of Earth and Space Sciences

  1. Earth System Science: 4 seats (UR-3/ST-1)

    Educational qualification: (i) You should have a BE/B.Tech. degree or an equivalent degree in Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Physical Science,
    Agricultural Engineering, Engineering Science, Instrumentation Engineering, Engineering Physics.
    M.Sc. in Physics/Mathematics.
    (ii) You should have a valid GATE score in Aerospace Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/Engineering Sciences/ Agriculture Engineering/ Instrumentation Engineering/ Physics/ Mathematics.

    Note: Candidates with M.Sc degree must have studied Physics, Mathematics at the B.Sc level. Candidates having B. Tech or BE in other branches of engineering will be considered only if they have appropriate experience in related areas of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/Meteorology/ Geology/ Remote Sensing etc.

Department of Mathematics

Machine Learning and Computing: 1 seat (ST)

Educational qualification: (i) You should have M.Sc. degree in Mathematics/Statistics/Physics/Computer Science.
You should have a BE/B.Tech. or and equivalent degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering/Electrical Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Computer Science and Engineering. (ii) You should have a valid GATE Score in Mathematics/Statistics/Physics/Computer Science/Electronics and Communication Engineering/Electrical Engineering/Chemical Engineering.

Department of Chemistry

Materials Science and Technology: 2 seats (OBC-1/ST-1)

Educational qualification: (i) You should have a BE/B.Tech or an equivalent degree in Polymer Science and Technology/Chemical Engineering/Rubber Technology/Metallurgy and Materials Science/Mechanical Engineering/Production and Industrial Engineering
You should have M.Sc/M.S. degree in Chemistry (all branches)/Physics/Material Science/ Nanoscience and Technology. (ii) You should have a valid GATE score in Engineering Sciences/Chemical Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/Production and Industrial Engineering/ Chemistry/Physics

Department of Physics

  1. Optical engineering: 1 seat (ST)

    Educational qualification: (i) You should have a BE/B.Tech. degree or an equivalent degree in Electronics/Electrical Engineering/Electronics and Communication Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/ Engineering Physics
    M.Sc in Physics/ Applied Physics/M.S. in Integrated Physics.
    (ii) You should have a valid GATE score in Electronics and Communication/Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering.

  2. Solid State Technology: 1 seat (SC)

    Educational qualification: (i) You should have a BE/B.Tech. degree or an equivalent degree in Electronics/Electrical Engineering/Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Engineering Physics
    M.Sc in Physics/ Applied Physics/M.S. in Integrated Physics.
    (ii) You should have a valid GATE score in Electronics and Communication/ Electrical Engineering /Physics

General eligibility criteria for all courses

  • You must be a citizen of India to be eligible to apply for any of the courses.
  • If you wish to submit an application for more than one Department, you must submit the application fee for the respective Departments separately.
  • Age criteria: the age limit is 28 years as on 29th July 2015. The age will be relaxed for SC/ST/Persons with disability (PWD) category as per the Government of India norms.
  • Educational Qualification & Eligibility: BE/B.Tech/M.Sc/M.S. or equivalent degree mentioned for each of the course should be in first class with an aggregate minimum of 60% marks or CGPA 6.5 out of 10.
  • A valid score in GATE/JEST/UGC NET in relevant area is essential.

How to apply

  1. You have to download the application from IIST website:
  2. Fill up the application form and take it with you on the day of the written test/interview, which is scheduled for 29th July, 2015 at 0900hrs at IIST, Valiamala, Thiruvananthapuram. You must take along all the relevant certificates proving educational qualification, age, SC/ST/OBC/PWD relevant certificate if applicable, GATE score card etc., in original on the day of written test/interview.
  3. Those having a valid GATE Score as given below only are eligible to appear for the written test/interview:
    • Unreserved - 425 and above
    • Other Backward Classes (NCL) - 382 and above
    • Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/ Persons with Disabilities (PWD) - 212 and above.


The application fee (non-refundable) is Rs. 600/- per Department (for SC, ST, PWD and women candidates the fee is Rs.300/- per Department). The fee is to be paid by Demand Draft drawn in favour of Registrar, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram, which must be submitted on the day of written test/interview. The fee will not be accepted in cash. Those without the application fee will not be allowed to attend the written test/interview.

  1. If you registered your profile against the admission notification of May-April this year (notification no. IIST/Admn/M.Tech/05/2015 dated 06.04.2015), have paid the fees, but have not attended the interview or have not been called for the interview can also attend the written test/interview for the concerned M.Tech/M.S program for which they have paid application fee already. In this case, you will need to produce the challan copy on the day of written test/interview without which you will not be allowed to attend. You must also bring the copy of your profile which you already registered online earlier. You can also attend the written test /interview for spot admission on 29th July 2015 for a program other than the program for which you have already registered online, provided you remit the required application fee.
  2. If you registered your profile against the admission notification of May-April this year (notification no. IIST/Admn/M.Tech/05/2015 dated 06.04.2015) and attended the interview held between 15th to 19th June 2015 and were not selected for admission to M.Tech/M.S program 2015-2016, then you are ineligible to attend the Spot Admission scheduled on 29th July 2015 for the same program.
  3. If you registered your profile against the admission notification of May-April this year (notification no. IIST/Admn/M.Tech/05/2015 dated 06.04.2015) and have attended the interview held between 15th to 19th June 2015, were selected for admission to M.Tech/M.S program 2015-2016 & remitted the semester fees, then you are ineligible to attend the Spot Admission scheduled on 29th July 2015.

Important Dates

  1. Date of written test/interview: 29th July 2015 (Thursday) at 0900 hrs
  2. Date of commencement of classes tentatively: 03.08.2015

IIST Contact information

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (Dept. of Space, Govt. of India)
Thiruvananthapuram-695 547
Ph: +91 (471) 2568452, 2568600 // Fax: +91 (471) 2568462
Further details of spot admissions:

Article by Vandana
Vandana is based in India with over 15 years experience as a freelance writer. Writing, no doubt, is her primary passion! Having learned the art of blogging from ISC, Vandana is enjoying the thrills of blogging, taking pleasure in sharing information & getting good pageviews at her various blogs.

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