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B.Sc Yoga and Consciousness

Do you love performing yogic postures and spreading consciousness about the concepts of holistic living through yoga? Are you willing to take up teaching yoga as a profession? Then learn here about the course Bachelor of Science in Yoga and Consciousness and the prospects this course holds.

Course Name: B.Sc Yoga and Consciousness
Group: B.Sc.
Stream: Healthcare & Medical Science
Course Category: Yoga
Duration: 3 years


With the popularity of yoga in the western countries and its country of origin, India, there is always a dearth of trained yoga teachers to man the numerous yoga centres that dot the country. It is said that yoga not only heals us spiritually but is also equally effective in healing the human body of its various ailments. Moreover, there is a lot of scope in teaching others the benefits of yoga. Among many sections of the people there is a lack of awareness about yoga and its benefits. The course in BSc Yoga and Consciousness is thus effective in imbibing you about the benefits of yoga and how it can be put to the best use for improving consciousness of the human mind.

Eligibility and course duration

10+2 or any equivalent qualification. Other than that you should have successfully completed a Yogic Instructor Course (YIC).

Duration of the course is 3 years.

B.Sc Yoga and Consciousness 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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B.Sc Yoga and Consciousness - Colleges & Admission Notifications

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College Name
Swami Yoga Anusandhana Samasthana University, Karnataka

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More about the course

It is said that yoga is able to channelize the inner forces into useful energy in the mind and the body. By performing asanas, pranayams and other yogic postures, this energy then improves our spiritual as well as physical health. Yoga is instrumental in raising consciousness or awareness about the principles of holistic living. Yoga is not about the human body alone. It is about the mind too. It is a discipline that helps us to live a healthy lifestyle from the mind as well as body point of view. Yoga helps raise our consciousness.Begining with the body, it ends with the mind. It is the total personality, a combination of body, soul and mind that yoga works upon. Thus, it greatly adds to the experience of living holistically and being a complete personality.

Job prospects and opportunities

The field of yoga provides for numerous opportunities. It is not only instrumental in providing you the benefits of physical and spiritual health, but also creates avenues for earning a living by teaching yoga to the masses. You can work in yoga centres and wellness centres or run one of your own. You can also take up this science to the rest of the world and spread out the benefits of performing yoga to one and all. Popularity of yoga in the west is fast picking up and one should make the best use of this opportunity. You can take up M.Sc courses in yoga.

B.Sc Yoga and Consciousness Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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