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Ph.D. Urdu

Doctorate of Philosophy in Urdu

Passionate about the Urdu language? Aspiring to dig deep into the rich literary and cultural heritage of a language widely spoken in many parts of the country and in neighbouring Pakistan? Learn here the details of the doctoral program, PhD in Urdu and learn of the colleges to pursue the course.

Course Name: Ph.D. Urdu
Group: Ph.D.
Stream: Journalism, Media & Communication
Course Category: Languages
Duration: 3 - 5 Years


A rich language, Urdu is popular among a large part of the population in the Indian subcontinent. The northern states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Jammu Kashmir, Maharashtra and the southern states of Karnataka and Telangana have a large concentration of people speaking the language. Incidentally, it is also the national language of Pakistan. Along with Hindi, Urdu is also the lingua franca of the large Indian and Pakistani Diaspora in the United States, UK and other western countries. There is thus a vast scope for studies in the field of Urdu language.

Eligibility and course duration

A postgraduate in Urdu with minimum 55% marks in aggregate. Teaching experience with minimum of 2 years service is preferred. M.Phil degree holders are eligible too. Admission is through entrance tests and interview. M.Phil students may or may not get excused from the written exam.

The PhD program could last anywhere from 3-5 years.

Ph.D. Urdu 2025 - 2026 Admissions/Application Enquiry

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Ph.D. Urdu - Colleges & Admission Notifications

Find the list of colleges offering Ph.D. Urdu course. Check out individual college websites to know more about the admission for 2025 - 2026 academic year. You may download the application form and course details from the official college website.

College Name
Dnyanopasak College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Maharashtra
Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Maharashtra
Gulbarga University,Gulbarga, Karnataka
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Andhra Pradesh
Rajaram Shinde College of Engineering, Maharashtra

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Filter by State

Maharashtra     Karnataka     Andhra Pradesh     

More about the course

Here in this PhD program you will be learning the cultural aspects, literature and linguistics of the Urdu language. Among the various topics that are available for selection for research are Urdu poetry, fiction, drama and literary criticism. Based on one or the other topics mentioned above, one needs to put up a research proposal to the concerned university. Once accepted, you get to focus on subjects like research methodologies and get started with the course work. Under the supervision of a guide one gets to finish the research in 3-4 years. Based on the research work a dissertation is to be prepared and to be submitted at the end of the course. The course is thus useful in imparting you with the necessary knowledge about the literary and cultural aspects of the Urdu language.

Job opportunities in Urdu

Urdu has a good potential to offer a good many jobs mainly in the education sector. A good many options are there as teachers and lecturers in the best of the colleges and universities in the country. In this respect there will be various government openings. One also gets to become a translator or an interpreter as per the need of the service. One can get to work in magazine publications, newspapers, translation bureaus and at other worthwhile places. Being an important language of the Indian subcontinent, many endeavour to learn Urdu with full earnest.

Ph.D. Urdu Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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