Campus Representative of
Narayana College
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Narayana College
The Narayana College in Anantapur was established in the year 2015. The college is in a rural setup. It has a website which is www.narayana24.com but the college website did not open. Thus phone numbers and other contact details were not obtained.
This college provides Physical education course and has been helping the students to gain a bachelor degree in the domain. The college is affiliated to the Sri Krishnadevaraya University. Its affiliation code is C-54464.
The college got first uploaded in the AISHE database in the year 2017.
How to reach the college in Tadipatri? Tadipatri is about 73 kilometres from Anantapur. But there is no direct train or bus that goes directly from Anantapur to Tadipatri. One needs to go to Gooty to take a train or bus to Tadipatri. The most convenient way is to take a taxi from Anantapur to go to Tadipatri.
Nearby Landmarks The nearby landmarks of the college are Chowdeswari Temple and the Sree Devi Children hospital. Both of these are along the Tadipatri-Yallanuru road which is an offshoot from CB road, Route no 30.
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