Campus Representative of
Savitri Bai Phule Government Girls Polytechnic
(We do not have a campus rep for this college yet)
About Savitri Bai Phule Government Girls Polytechnic
SavitriBai Phule Government Girls Polytechnic is located in a pollution-free area on Dehradun road. The college is situated at 8 km from Saharanpur Railway station. The girls polytechnic was founded in the year 2002 and is affiliated to Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh.
Hostel facilities The college provides accommodation facility to 70 students. Another hostel with 60 accommodation facility is under construction. The hostel fees for first and second year is Rs. 2300 and for the final year, the fees is Rs. 1900.
Activities Various cultural and sports events are held in the college. Students are given to showcase their talents not only at college level, but also at inter-polytechnic in district and zonal level.
Scholarship The college runs a scholarship programme named 'Savitri Bai Phule Kalyan Yojna'. In this program, all the students are given scholarships in each year. All the students, who are admitted in 3-year diploma course are awarded, bicycle in first year, and Rs. 10000 and Rs. 15000 in second and third year respectively. The students who are enrolled in 2-year diploma course, are provided, bicycle in the first year and Rs. 15000 in final year.
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