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School: T.S.N.Memorial High School, Kundurkunnu, Kundurkunnu

Review: T.S.N.Memorial High school - A light in darkness
Review By: T.M.Sankaran    Review Date: 21 Dec 2009   

TSNM High school came into this remote viilage, Kundurkunnu as a light in darkness. This place was so remote and non-accessible easily. Nearest road was about three km away. In 1949 the school started as a primary school. Slowly it grew and became a full fledged one with about 2000 students and 70 members of staff. The pass percentage, in general, is far better than other schools in the neighborhood.

Almost all physical facilities are provided here. Three buses are running daily to carry students to and from the school. Noon meal is provided to the needy with the help of the State Government.Computer education facilities are there. Play ground, stage, drinking water facilities, urinal for both the sex, etc. are also there.

Teaching standards are always monitored through staff meetings and occasionally by the Parent teacher association sittings.

Students are given necessary training to participate in Arts and literature competitions and allowed to participate at the district level. they have brought laurels several times.

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Lab facilities:
Experience Level of Teachers:
Quality of Teaching:
Academic Level of students:
Hostel Facilities:
Accessibility :
Transport Facilities:
Fees Structure:

Good: Systematic and cooperative approach by staff and students.
Bad: Less parental interaction
Recommend: Yes

Review: High school became a Higher Secondary School
Review By: T.M.Sankaran    Review Date: 06 Jul 2014   

T.S.N.Memorial High school was upgraded as Higher Secondary school with the sanctioning of Plus Two classes by the State Government with effect from the year 2010. Three batches are sanctioned with specializations in Physical sciences, Biological sciences and Commerce with IT.

For accommodating the new batches and providing facilities for different laboratories two multistorey buildings are added in the existing campus. Library facilities, teachers' room and other common facilities are also provided.

All the classes are filled with students to the maximum allowed capacity. Teachers are selected and appointed for all subjects.

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Lab facilities:
Experience Level of Teachers:
Quality of Teaching:
Academic Level of students:
Hostel Facilities:
Accessibility :
Transport Facilities:
Fees Structure:

Good: Infra structure facilities and the academic atmosphere are good
Bad: Nothing is bad, but improvement is possible.
Recommend: Yes

Review: Centenary year of the founder

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Review By: T.M.Sankaran    Review Date: 03 Mar 2010   

T.S.N.M.High School and the attached VPAUP School jointly celebrated the centenary of the founder of both schools, during the year starting on 16th Feb.2009 to 15th Feb.2010. On the first day, 16th Feb.09, an inaugural function with a public meeting remembering the great man, T.S.Nambudiripad, who started these educational institution to bring the light of learning into a society of illiterates in this remote village, Kundurkunnu, in Palakkad district of Kerala State, India. There was a Kathakali performance afterward.

Several programmes, numbering more than 30, were organized as part of one year long celebrations (named as "Aadarabhihavam")at the school. Most of them were useful to the students, in improving their knowledge. A special programme, Language and Rhythm, was an exemplary one which was aimed at improving the knowledge and interest in the mother tongue (Malayalam). Several other schools in the District came forward demanding the conduct of the programme in their campuses.

The celebrations came to an end with an open forum and a professional troups drama on 15th Feb.10. Good support of the locals and staff in all the programmes was noticeable.

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Lab facilities:
Experience Level of Teachers:
Quality of Teaching:
Academic Level of students:
Hostel Facilities:
Accessibility :
Transport Facilities:
Fees Structure:

Good: Improved co-operation by staff, students and locals.
Bad: Nothing specific to mention
Recommend: Yes

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