Kerala Engineering seat allotment - 2009-2010


Indiastudychannel is trying to provide you the details of engineering seat allotment for the year2009 -2010.We are working on publishing Engineering allotment details as soon as available.

The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will be making allotment to the various Professional courses in the following Colleges:
1. Government and Government-Aided Colleges
2. Private Self-financing Colleges that have entered into agreement with Government (39 Engineering, *3 Medical, 11 Dental, 7 Ayurveda, 1 Sidha and 4 Nursing Colleges)
3. Self financing Engineering Colleges under Government control (IHRD, LBS, CAPE &CCE)
4. Co-operative Medical College, Kochi (CAPE)
5. Self-financing Engineering colleges under Kerala, Mahatma Gandhi and Calicut Universities.
(*Options will not be invited against the Self financing Medical Colleges which have not received the necessary sanction from the Government of India. Such institutions may be included during the second round of allotment subject to approval from Government of India)
6. The existing reservation policy and fee structure in Government and Government-Aided Colleges will be continued. The seat reservation policy and fee structure applicable to other self financing institutions will be as follows:
Professional Colleges
Government seats
Reservation of seats
Self-financing Engineering colleges run by Universities
As applicable in Govt./
Govt-Aided Colleges


Author: Aditya23 Jun 2009 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

This is such a good move by ISC.Now ISC is becoming really the favourite website for students and intellectuals in India.I wish very soon ISC will move its strategy from national to Global.

Author: NoufaL M04 Jul 2009 Member Level: Silver   Points : 1

Thanks ISC for taking the news From The B.Tech Engineering Admission{Kerala}. Thanks a lot again.

Author: muralikrishna06 Jul 2009 Member Level: Silver   Points : 2

Wow ,what a excellent news ,first of all i really thankful to ISC ,because they are providing engineering seats arrangements .

They are providing seats allotments as per government rules and regulations.SO ISC is very popular in the world uptonow and also forever .

Ofcourse before this as u know they had given opportunity for litterature particularly for students to earn money in leisure times ,so this point of view also we will appreciate to ISC.
Now they are coming with good and new ideas so we heartely welcome to ISC.

I hope in this also they will get success ofcourse i know they should get success.


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