How to apply online for courses at Swayam website of Indian government

Willing to register online at swayam website of Govt. of India? Here is a one-stop complete detailed guide for all your queries to free online education. Know the step by step procedure to submit an application, details of courses available, and FAQ.

SWAYAM is a Hindi acronym for 'Study Webs of Active-learning for Young Aspiring Minds'. Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India. The main aim of this initiative is to provide equal and free education through an online course to everyone. All the courses and education provided in classrooms from class 9th to post-graduation can be accessed by anyone through this portal without any time and age constraint and without the hassle of getting admission in any college or educational institution.

1000+ especially appointed teachers and faculty have prepared these courses. Maximum efforts are made so that students can get best learning experience through audio-visual technology. There are four sections in each course-

  1. Video Lectures.
  2. Downloadable and printable reading material.
  3. Tests and Quizzes so that students can do self-assessment.
  4. Online discussion forum to solve their doubts.

Steps to sign-in at online free courses

  1. Go to the website
  2. Click on 'Sign-In/ Register' on top right side of the screen. If you are using a smartphone, then touch on three sleeping line on the right side of the screen. You will see the 'Sign-In/ Register' button there.
  3. Here you need to click on 'Sign Up Now' button. You can also sign in using your Microsoft Account/ Google/ Facebook credentials. This helps you to sign up in 2 steps only.


What are the courses in Swayam

There are a huge number of courses available to study free of cost at this portal. You need to check the last date of enrolment and exam date of each course at course catalog page of Screenshot of the page is provided below.

Course catalog is categorised in following sections:
  • AICTE- NITTTR courses
  • Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT)
  • Architecture and Planning
  • Education
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Humanities and Arts
  • Law
  • Management and Commerce
  • Maths and Sciences
  • NPTEL Domain
  • School

courses at swayam

Frequently Asked Questions

There must be various questions in your mind if you are also planning to join a course on this website. Here is a comprehensive FAQ to satisfy your mind.

What is the fee to study online course through swayam?

There are no charges to do any course through this portal. However, if a student wants to get a certificate, then he/she needs to pay registration charges of Rs. 1000 for final proctored examination. This exam is meant to attend in-person at designated centers on scheduled date and time.

Is Swayam certificate valid?

Yes. It is completely valid. No doubt, some people believe that they are just selling the name of IITs and other renowned universities. But still, NPTEL certificates are completely acceptable for higher education.

Who can register for online courses at swayam?

Any person across the globe can register. There is no age bar, no gender bar, and no other restriction for any person. However, you must be eligible for a particular course as mentioned at the particular course page.

Am I eligible for a particular course at swayam?

The eligibility criteria for each course is different. You can check the eligibility criteria on the course page of the desired course. You will simply come to know whether you are suitable or not for that particular course.

What is the final exam pattern of swayam courses?

The main exam is of 100 marks. Minimum passing marks are 40% out of which internal assessment carries a 30% value and the proctored exam carries the rest of the 70% value in total marks. Exam pattern varies from course to course. Some examinations are of MCQ type and computer-based, while others are descriptive type. Most of the exams at this portal are computer-based only.

Which is a value-added course in swayam?

You need to check the course catalog at swayam website (link is provided above) for this purpose.

What are MOOCs? Who prepares and delivers them?

MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. National Coordinators are designated by the Ministry of Human Resource Development to prepare online courses.

When will be the admit cards be available?

Admit cards are made available at different times for each course depending upon the exam date of that course.

Can I write for 2 exams if I have enrolled for 2 courses?

Yes. You can do so. But if the exam date of both courses is on the same date, then you need to manage the time slot of each exam. Generally, each exam has two-time slots- morning session and afternoon session.

What kind of courses are available at swayam?

More than 1000 courses are available at swayam on almost every subject. Check the link provided above to see the complete course catalog.

When will the result be declared? Who issues the certificate after completion of course?

Generally, the final marks are communicated to the candidates within 4 weeks of the exam date. Almost all courses are e-verifiable at

Do you have any other doubts on this topic? Post your doubt as a comment below and we at shall provide you the best accurate solution.

Article by Nidhi
Nidhi is a freelance content writer with 10+ years of experience. She has a great passion to write on valuable topics so as to provide precise information to her readers.

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