Challenges in thermal power generation and the opportunities ahead in future.

Today there is pressure on thermal power generation due to Government of India's emphasis on clean energy production such as solar power, hydro power, wind power and nuclear power. This is a transition time to migrate from thermal power generation to environmental friendly clean power generation. This article is about the present power scenario, problems and challenges in India.This article will also focus on providing future power solutions.


India is a vast country with 132 crore of peoples living in more than 6 lakh villages, towns and cities. India's power needs is huge. The gap between requirement and the power generation is large. Power capacity addition is required. For this purpose finance and land acquisition are the prime necessities. Global warming and environmental issues are great hurdles to thermal power generation in India. Giving electricity to every village and every households requires a great expenditure and investment. Poor people cannot pay the electricity bills, they need subsidy. In remote areas and geographically difficult terrains, where power grid extension is not economically viable, off-grid solutions for electricity generation should be promoted.

Problems in power generation

There are the following problems in power generation in India.

  1. Coal scam during UPA-II and coal supply problems

  2. Getting environmental clearances for new power plants

  3. Government policy not to give thermal power generation clearances to cut the thermal emissions

  4. Global obligations to reduce thermal emissions and greenhouses gases

  5. Problems in land acquisition for new power plants

  6. Finance problem in setting up new power plants

  7. Entry of foreign players and stiff competition in bidding process in power sector

  8. Non availability of fuel for nuclear power generation in India

  9. Non availability of Technology for clean energy generation in India

Future opportunities in clean power generation in india

To provide power for all, great strategies and big investment is required. We have to add power capacity every year, by focusing on renewable energy such as solar power and wind energy. So that we could save the environment from thermal and carbon emissions. Presently in India thermal power generation is 62 % of total power generation. It contributes to greenhouse gases production. Due to the greenhouse gases, global warming is increasing day by day. Global warming is a challenge and threat to human existence. So government of India and power companies should focus on the research and development (R&D) to provide cheap and clean energy solutions. India should search for viable solutions for solar and wind energy. The households in the villages and remote locations, difficult terrains, and hilly areas can be provided with solar power. The Jawaharlal Nehru national solar mission was launched to promote solar power generation in the country. There are many schemes such as solar park scheme, CPSU scheme, defense scheme, VGF schemes, canal bank and canal top schemes to achieve the 20,000 MW off grid solar power.

Government of India has made a plan to produce 100 Gigawatt solar power and 60 Gigawatt wind power by 2022. At present India produces 250 Gigawatt power and has 160 Gigawatt opportunity from solar and wind. Apart from this thermal power, hydro and nuclear power generation opportunities is also in future. In the field of research and development, power companies are doing commendable job. BHEL has done a lot of research in the field of solar energy. It has developed silicon wafer, PV solar cells, and started setting up of solar power plants on engineering, procurement and commissioning (EPC) basis. Bhel has secured 110 MW solar power plants order from NTPC, Naively Lignite Company. Bhel has also developed flexible fuel boiler. One can switch from imported coal to Indian coal and from Indian to imported coal as per their stock and requirement. It will solve the coal problem. Visit for more information. Bhel has also developed the CBFC (Centralised Fluidised Bed Combustion) technology. This technology is helpful in minimising the thermal emissions up to 95%. Thus make the governmental clearance easy for thermal power.Govt. Of India has provided Rs.900 crore grant to BHEL for the development of ultra-advance super critical technology for thermal power plants.

Clean energy companies in India

The following companies are in the clean energy field in India.
Tata power solar, Akshaya solar power Ltd, Lanco solar energy company, Indowind, Kodco energy,Photon energy, suzlon energy,orient green energy,NEPC India,BHEL thermal and solar power equipment manufacturer, RRB energy, moser baer, solar energy.


European countries produces their more than fifty percent power by nuclear power generation. India is putting her best efforts in this field. Our Prime Minister Mr. Narender Modi has made treaties with many countries such as Canada, USA, and Japan to supply nuclear fuel to India for nuclear power generation. At present our nuclear power generation is around 2% of our total power generation. There is great opportunities in the nuclear power generation in future.

The coal supply has been improved a lot and the coal supply is good now by the best effort of our coal minister. There is sufficient stock of coal with power companies. CBFC (Centralised Fluidised Bed Combustion) technology will make the environmental clearances easy and fast. Shifting from thermal to clean energy solutions will save the environment from the global warming and pollution. It will also provide the clean energy production. Thus we will be able to meet our global greenhouse gases emissions reduction obligations. In future India will prosper in the field of solar power, wind power and nuclear power generation.To save the environment will be India's motto.

Article by NK SHARMA
I am Mechanical engineer with MBA and M Phil degree. I have a passion for reading and writing. I enjoy in sharing knowledge with people.

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Guest Author: SSJHA2129 Mar 2022

With the surge of population in our country, power generation needs to be stepped up for the benefits of the consumers. Though we have numerous thermal power plants but with the time, raw material coal contains a lot of impurities and its handling in the process of generating of power pollutes the surrounding atmosphere where the tiny particles of coal find its way to the atmosphere inviting health disorders such as allergies, lung infection, TB etc and so the next step is to explore clean method of generating powers.

Solar energy if utilized for the process of power generation would provide a clean atmosphere with almost no pollution.

Nuclear Power plants would require thorium of high quality and the same needs to be imported at the present juncture.

Wind Energy can be utilized in the different pockets of the country inviting less installation cost but with the proper encouragement of the government, small entrepreneurs might rush to this area for the generation of power.

There are a lot of dams in our country where power can be generated by means of Hydro Electricity to the order of 25 to 35 MW with the installation of water generated plants to keep the environment clean.

We need to tap all the resources helping us to produce electricity without the pollution of the environment.

Author: Umesh10 Aug 2022 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 5

This article was written by the author about 6 years back but many points mentioned therein are valid today also. There is no doubt that due to the environmental problems we have to switch from thermal energy to the cleaner energy options like solar, nuclear etc and the Government is putting efforts in that direction.

The recent crisis of the availability of coal in our country is also compelling us to switch to the other options in a faster mode. In some states in our country, solar energy is being used on a regular basis and many households have installed the necessary solar panels and associated equipment on their rooftops and it is connected to the main electricity grid so that if they produce more it goes back to the electricity grid and if they produce less than they take something from the grid also.

India is a very big country with a large population and so our energy conservation is very huge. In such a scenario we want energy sources of perpetual nature and in this connection what I understand is that nuclear energy is also a very good option. However we have to take all the safety and security measures when we produce energy from nuclear sources.

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