Dettol - A complete product description and its review

Dettol company profile, advertising strategy, success factors and market share of brand dettol with its product lists, usage and solution can be known here. Dettol product is recommended by Indian Medical Association acts as a best trusted, safe and hygienic product in Indian market. Read more.

Dettol Product Information's

Company profile

Dettol act as a one of the oldest and trusted brands for hygienic product in India. Dettol comes from the fastest growing consumer goods companies in south Asia named as Reckitt benckiser (India) limited formally called as Reckitt colman (India) limited. The company has its operation in 60 countries with wide number of employees around the world. Reckitt benckiser owns a wide range of house hold brands in different sectors.

Dettol is considered to be the iconic brand of its company and dettol has been accepted as the most trusted brands in India as it protects the entire families from various diseases and illness caused due to micro germs. In 2008 the brand dettol celebrated its platinum jubilee and due its consistency it was accepted to be the best products among the other brands available in the markets. Dettol has even gained its trust from millions of Indian families due its approval received towards all varieties of its brands from Indian Medical Association. In addition the brand dettol also enjoys good ranking given by Brand Trust Report as per last year data.


  • Dettol can be used as an antiseptic liquid to protect the entire family from germs.
  • Dettol can be diluted in water or cleaned using mops to disinfect the floors completely.
  • Dettol can even be used to disinfect your clothes in washing and laundry.
  • Dettol had expansion in its products category and their product can be used for cuts, wounds and even for shaving, rinsing as a general disinfectant.

Advertising strategy

Dettol has been widely accepted and positioned as a 100% germ fighter with complete protection and control for entire family as its core value. The company provides much attention towards promotion of various dettol brands. More over due to current competition in FMCG industry for home care products the company focuses a great care towards its advertising strategy. If noted carefully right from the introduction of the brand, the dettol advertising has been celebrated with a dominant role given to a mother who act as a care taker for other members in her family group. The advertising theme mainly tells and conveys that a mother plays a predominant role towards care and protection of the entire family.

Dettol in association with Indian Medical Association even launched a nationwide campaign to generate awareness and hygiene practices that are essential and helpful to reduce the risk of infections for infants, children and even adults. Right from its introduction of advertising strategy in 1960 dettol helps in educating consumers and users on their need for protection from germs.

Success factor and market share

Dettol brand has been widely accepted for its protection not only nationally but even into the minds of Indians. Dettol was the first brand and has its own pride towards its entry into the market. Dettol has got a good product diversification with different categories and remedies. Dettol has designed its price accordingly to the necessity of its customers with different price slabs towards its varieties of products. Due to continuous innovation towards its product the brand dettol and its company has enjoyed a good reputation into the minds of the customers even with various customer loyalty and retention.
Dettol recently had a good market share in Indian market and even though dettol product bouquet has widely grown up in all ways the trusted protection towards germs remains the same with a distinct odour, colour and sting. Now the brand dettol have evolved as an top rated brand in millions minds of the customers.

Dettol product – a complete list and its Review

Dettol by understanding the necessity of its customer base has designed its products widely in different categories in order to provide the best solution in all ways. Accordingly dettol has been categorized into 8 different products like
Dettol Product Lists

  1. Antiseptic liquid
  2. Soap
  3. Liquid hand wash
  4. No touch liquid handwash
  5. Bodywash
  6. Hand sanitizer
  7. Shaving cream and
  8. Medical plaster

Dettol antiseptic liquid
This product is one of the oldest and most popular products from dettol and so act as a versatile product towards complete family care protection. This product can be used in multiple ways and dilution of this product in water would be the best recommended usage procedure.

Dettol soap
This product comes in different flavours like original, skin care, cool and re-energize. Each and every product has its specific usage specialty in ones every day use.
Dettol soap varities
Dettol original, skin care, cool soap comes in two different sizes like 75g and 125g where as re-energize soap comes in pack of 70g and 120g.

Dettol Hand wash
Dettol Handwash varities
Dettol hand wash products are also categorized as original, skin care, sensitive and fresh hand wash. The user can select his product based on his necessity. Due to its perfect mix of ingredients towards complete skin care all the above hand wash products enjoys a good reputation with trusted protection towards germs. This product comes in different bottle size and even it can be reused with purchase of its refillable pouch packs.

Dettol No-touch Hand wash
Dettol No Touch Handwash
Dettol no touch hand wash is advanced system of technology that automatically senses ones hand and dispense adequate amount of liquid soap. This product is available in two flavours like cucumber and original.

Dettol Bodywash
Dettol Bodywash 1
Dettol Bodywash 2
Dettol body wash can be used both by men and women. Dettol body wash comes in four varieties like original, skin care, nourishing and soothing. The products are priced minimally based on competitive analysis and it can be selected according to the utility of the customers.

Dettol Shaving cream
Dettol shaving cream is an exclusive product for a man that comes in two different fragrances like fresh and cool. This product can be used in daily life to provide smoother and effective shave operations for better results and protection.

Dettol hand sanitizer
Dettol hand sanitizer is another product from dettol that can be used for water free hand cleansing.

Dettol water medicated plaster
This is another product of dettol that helps to give and satisfy the users with 100% germs free protection for various heals and cuts.

Where and How to buy a Dettol product

Dettol products are available widely in different varieties of outlets like hyper market, super market, medical shops, general stores and departmental stores in your area.

My personal review and conclusion

Nowadays due to stiff competition with different varieties of home care products the brand dettol due to its reputation, brand image, segmentation along with special advertising and promotional strategy not only gets with a good place in the shelf of our living area but even a deep into the minds of different age groups of people for its protections. There would be no people who would not have witnessed the odour of dettol right from their childhood in various places like hospitals, theatres and many more. Last but not least, my personal suggestions for the product buyers in their initial buying stage is to do a market study and understanding of various cleaning products available in the market List of cleaning products its tools and tips along with their effects and solution as these products plays a vital role towards the hygiene and health care of the entire family. Finally dettol due to its certification received from Indian medical association stays as a long term product satisfaction among various age groups of peoples towards its projection in their sales and trusted protection.


Author: K Mohan12 Mar 2015 Member Level: Platinum   Points : 2

Though the author made a good effort to use the Dettol products to keep ourselves clean but there are people still feels that this is a medicated product and to be used by the patients. The people often feels that these products are used in the hospitals for cleaning purpose and hence it is mostly used by doctors and professions and not for daily use. Moreover other brands are making much noise over the television ads and that relegates this product and its use to back stage.

Guest Author: Romesh Trivedi12 Apr 2015

How to get COA of concern batch or lot of dettol.

Author: Sheo Shankar Jha25 Aug 2016 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 4

The author has done an intensive study regarding the product. Dettol products, especially the antiseptic liquid can be used in multiple ways and as my experience says it has worked in some critical areas where results were doubtful. One of my friend's left feet when some of the hot liquid spilled on him while cooking and only by pouring the concentrated Dettol, though creating unbearable burning sensation, resulted in permanent relief. Even no antibiotics was needed in that case. The antibacterial property is excellent but the users must be aware of its end use.
While washing the floors, we add Lizol, Phenyl etc for expelling flies and mosquitoes but pouring a little of Dettol in the water being used for the cleaning of the floors would offer a satisfying result. Though the market is flooded with varied products but Dettol seems to be a superior application in terms of germicide.

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