An introduction to gear trains and their working

Here I am going to discuss about the gear trains and their working principle. Gear is a basic element which is used to transmit power from one shaft to another. In this section the important types of gear trains are descibed.


Today, a lot of automobiles, machines and prime movers have increasingly manufactured by several mechanical industries. The main part in these field is a gear whose application is tremendous. Thus as mechanical and automobile engineers need the knowledge of gears technology to implement in their design process. The gears are used with many components together with engines. The basics of gear and gear trains are given below:

Gear train - Definition:
If more than two gears are arranged to transmit power, such arrangement is called as gear train. The types of gear train are given below:

  1. Simple gear train

  2. Compound gear train

  3. Reverted gear train

  4. Epicyclic gear train

Simple Gear Train:

If there is only one gear mounted on each shaft, the gear train is known as simple gear train. that is, each shaft has only one gear.
Usually when two gears mate, they rotate opposite to each other. When we use three gears each mounted on separate shaft, the direction of rotation of the last gear will be same as that of the direction of rotation of first gear. Suppose the number of gears are increased to four the direction of rotation of first and last gear will be opposite to each other. A typical simple gear train is shown in the figure 1.
So from above we can conclude that in a simple gear train, if the no of gears is odd then the direction of rotation of first and last gear will be the same, it it is even, direction of rotation will be opposite.
Schematic of simple gear train
The speed ratio is given by, (N1/N2) = -(T2/T1), where, N1 is the speed of the driver, N2 is the speed of driven gear, T1 is the no of teeth on driver gear and T2 is the no of teeth on driven gear.

Compund Gear Train:

If there is more than one gear on a shaft, the gear train is said to be compound gear train. Here speed of rotation of the gears mounted on a shaft will the same and also the direction. By using this arrangement, the power will be transmitted to the shaft which is placed not in the row. The system is compact here. Also we can reduce the size of the gears using this arrangement. This is illustrated in the Figure 2.
Compound gear train

Reverted Gear Train:

If the axes of driver shaft and driven shaft is co-axial, then the gear train is termed as reverted gear train. This is kind of compound gear train. This is illustrated in the figure 3. So reverted gear train may be called as a compund gear train but all compound gear train can not be a reverted gear train. This reverted technology is very much useful when the power is to be transmitted within the less space.
Reverted gear train

Epicyclic Gear Train:

This is important gear train compared the said above. In this case, One of the gear is rotating over and around another gear. Epi means over, Cyclic means around. There is an arm connecting such two gears. This gear train finds great application in various field. This is illustrated in the figure 4.
Epicyclic gear train
Gears are applied in various services and products. We can not imagine the world without them. Some of the applications are listed below:
  • Lathe

  • Auto-mobiles

  • Conveyors

  • Aircraft

  • Prime movers

  • Ship-hulls

  • Injection moulding machines

  • Commercial machines

  • Robotics field

  • Various transportation systems
  • etc.


    These are the impotant gear trains used for various purposes. Epicyclic gear train is used in different places where the sun and planet arrangement is needed. Finding the suitable gear train is a challange task to the design Engineers.


    Guest Author: abraham05 Dec 2014

    wow it is very nice approach

    Author: Dr. Paresh Gujarati29 Apr 2015 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

    Article is nicely written and crafted. It will be even better if you give information about use of gear trains in gear box of an automobile. This will add more light on the above topic.

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