Environmental Study:Importance,Scope and Need for public awareness

Our existance depends on the environment we have.Even then,our developments are going against nature and environment.Therefore the importance,scope study of environment and the need for public awareness is of great importance.This article deals with some environmental concepts.

Importance Of Environmental Studies:

Environmental studies provide information about the conditions of environment which could be useful for planning and designing of the project.

-It provides knowledge about the ecosystems.

-It provides necessary information about biodiversity.

-Environmental studies helps to find and solve the big environmental problems that include:

1.National Environmental problems:
Air pollution due to industries and automobiles,urbanization,industrial and medical solid waste,deforestation,desertification etc.

2.Global Environmental problems:
Overexploitation of natural resources,green house effect,acid rain,ozone layer depletion,etc.

Scope Of The Environmental Studies:

The scope of the environmental studies are summarised as:

-To study the interrelationship between biotic and abiotic components.

-To carry out the impact analysis and environmental audit in order to minimise the environmental problems.

-Reduce the pollution.

-Managing the unpredictable disaster.

-To create awareness to the public.

Need For Public Awareness-

Due to many discoveries and inventions from 16th century onwards,man has overexploited the natural resource which leads to many enviromental problems such as acid rain,ozone layer depletion,green house effect,land slides,cancer and other health problems.Lack of awareness and less number of people participation leads to poor pollution management which are the major reasons for climate instability and unhealthy ecosystem.Hence,it is necessary to create awareness to the public about environmental problems and to protect the environment through implementing proper regulations.

In order to protect the environment from the pollution,Supreme court has initiated the environmental awareness to the public through government and non governmental agencies.
And it is important duty of us to cooperate with government from our side and work for the protection of environment.


Guest Author: Rayees Ashraf19 Nov 2017

Thanks for providing information about environmental educations

Author: T.M.Sankaran01 Dec 2017 Member Level: Gold   Points : 5

When we talk about environmental issues one has to understand that there is only one Earth on which human beings can exist (At least until we find out another planet in another solar system where life is existing). On this earth man is not the only life form. There are crores of other forms co existing. This co- existence itself is part of the property of environment.
Can we think of a situation where there no plants and trees ? Can we think about an earth without any animal other than human being? Animal here include the micro organisms too. Many of the trees and plants as well as animals are helping humans to continue on this earth. So it is clear that an environment where all these can co-exist will be a healthy and habitable environment.
Hence we must always be careful to keep a healthy environment. If we pollute our water or our soil the effect will be loss of quality life. So try to.keep our environment pollution free. Air pollution will affect water, which will affect animals and plants. Like that pollution is a chain process.

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