Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University vacancies of Dean, Director

Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University has issued an employment advertisement dated 28.03.2022 to fill the vacancies of Dean, Director in Rajasthan State. Get all details on this page and apply the latest by 20.05.2022 up to midnight.

Last Date to Apply: 20-May-2022

Employer: Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University

Address: Additional Registrar, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, NH No. 15, Sriganganagar Road, Beechwal - Bikaner 334 006 Rajasthan

Email: not mentioned for this job post


Phone: 0151-2250025

Skills: Refer to job description due to many posts

Experience: 15 years

Education: Ph.D.

Job Location: Bikaner, Sriganganagar   (View Jobs in Bikaner,   Jobs in Sriganganagar    Jobs in Gujarat)

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Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University vacancies of Dean, Director

Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University vacancies of Dean, Director in Rajashtan:

Name of the Post: Dean
No of the Post: 04 GEN
Location: College of Agriculture, Bikaner, College of Agriculture, Sriganganagar, College of Community Science, Bikaner, Post Graduate Studies, Bikaner
Academic Level 14 - INR 144200 - 218200
Eligibility: The candidate must possess Ph.D. with 15 years of experience.

Name of the Post: Director
No of the Post: 06 GEN
Location: DEE, Bikaner, DHRD Bikaner, IABM Bikaner, Dirctorate of Priorotozation, Monitoring & Evaluation, Bikaner, Directorate of Research, Bikaner, DSW Bikaner
Academic Level 14 - INR 144200 - 218200
Eligibility: The candidate must possess Ph.D. with 15 years of experience.

Application Fee: INR 1500 for GEN or OBC/MBC Creamy Layer of Rajasthan
INR 1000 for OBC/MBC NCL or EWS of Rajasthan
INR 750 for a Specially abled person SC/ST whose family income is less the INR 2.5 Lakhs Rajasthan state.

How to apply:

Eligible and interested candidates should need to apply online at www.raubikaner.org from 05.04.2022 to 20.05.2022 up to midnight.

Refer to http://raubikaner.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Advt.-04_2022-Dt.-28.03.2022.pdf

About Employer

Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University is a Government undertaking.

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