Tata Memorial centre ACTREC is looking for Research Assistant in Mumbai

Tata Memorial centre ACTREC has invited application form from all eligible candidates to fill the post of Research Assistant in Mumbai. Learn all about the eligibility criteria and walk-in for the post of Research Assistant as given below.

Employer: Tata Memorial centre ACTREC

Address: Khanolkar Shodhika, ACTREC, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra

Email: Not mentioned in the notification


Phone: Not mentioned in the notification

Skills: Refer description box for more detailed information

Experience: Refer description box for more detailed information

Education: Refer description box for more detailed information

Job Location: Mumbai   (View Jobs in Mumbai    Jobs in Maharashtra)

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Tata Memorial centre ACTREC is looking for Research Assistant in Mumbai

Date of Interview:- 24/03/2020
Name of the Post:- Research Assistant
Number of vacancies:- One
Salary:-RS 16000 to Rs 20000 per month
Tenure of the job:- Six months which is extendable

Educational Qualifications:- BSc with DMLT or HSC with CMLT

How to apply:- Interested candidates can atten a walk-in-intervie in the meeting room at 3rd floor of ACTREC, Mumbai. He should possess recent CV, all relevant certificates in original and attested copies and a recent photograph.

Reference URL:-

About Employer

Tata Memorial centre ACTREC is a Cancer research centre and Hospital in India.

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