U.P. Industries Department Recruitment 31 Non Technical Assistant Managers job vacancy through UPPSC

Non Technical Assistant Managers job vacancy has been advertised at U.P. Industries Department through Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, eligible candidates required to apply through online on or before 21.01.2016

Employer: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission

Address: The Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh

Email: NA


Phone: 0532-2600902

Skills: Refer description box

Experience: Refer description box

Education: Refer description box

Job Location: Across Uttar Pradesh   (View Jobs in Across Uttar Pradesh)

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U.P. Industries Department Recruitment 31 Non Technical Assistant Managers job vacancy through UPPSC

Candidate profile
Bachelors Degree in any discipline

Detailed recruitment notification can be had at:

How to apply with detailed eligibility criteria can be had at:

About Employer

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission established through an act by the Government of Uttar Pradesh

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