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  • Category: Competition Entries

    Sunday is like a mixed vegetable

    Sunday is a fun day for children because educational institutions remain closed; if you ask older persons, men or women, who are the caretakers of their families, they definitely will term Sunday: a mixed vegetable. Are you wondering how a holiday like Sunday is equivalent to an ordinary vegetable like mixed veg?

    A mixed vegetable is a combination of different veggies, but when cooked together, it gels so well that while eating, it becomes difficult to discard the veggies one dislikes. Well, some people are very picky, so they try to choose the vegetables they love to eat and leave the rest. The same is the case with the family members who like to adjust to each other, gel well, and make the best out of Sunday, the holiday, but one or the other member remains choosy and tries to spend time according to one's wishes. So, the fate of Sunday is like a mixed vegetable as some would enjoy the holiday together, while a few might mess with it and spoil the Sunday mood. Some try to complete pending work; even some take extra pain to cook favourite dishes for their loved ones, while others might not love to gorge on homemade food. Thus, it's just a confusing state, and reaching an agreement seems taxing.

    Though Sunday is a welcome change, it depicts a different picture for each individual. So, a scenario decides that Sunday will be spent as a mixed veg or just as an individual.

    Spot Writing Contest
  • #767148
    This is an interesting analogy of Sunday with mix vegetable. Sunday being a holiday it is a common day for everyone and it is natural that some common activities will get more importance than the other routine activities. Sometimes on Sunday there is a problem with some people who are introvert and believe in individual activity rather than a group activity. These people believe in going along and they don't enjoy with a company and go solo in most of the cases.
    Knowledge is power.

  • #767163
    A good comparison I think. For a small family, this comparison may hold good. Wife, husband and two children. There will be four members in a nucleus family. Each four of them will have their own identities but they may well mix with other members and that family can be like a mixed vegetable. I don't think there will be more than 4 or 5 vegetables in a fixed vegetable curry. But in joint families and big families, there will be many members and all the people may not gel well and your mixed vegetable curry may not taste good. That family has to make three or four different mixed vegetable curries with different ingredients.
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