Waiting for an inevitable volley of rebuke
Nowadays I am all alone in our residence. Really enjoying life king-size! My wife and our daughter have gone abroad for almost fifteen days. They will return to Delhi on 13th of this month. So, nobody is disturbing me nowadays before and after office hours. This is called solitude! Only in the morning, I generally video-call my wife and my daughter for 2-3 minutes and at night I report my sister that 'all is well' at the residence. In the morning, the cook and the housemaid come, cook food and clean the residence. Otherwise, I enjoy complete freedom.But yesterday night I have noticed some issues of concern, which I am now going to share. In our residence, there are four rooms, kitchen and a dining space. My wife is a cleaning freak and she tries to clean something or other 24x7. At the time of going abroad, she warned me to keep the residence neat and clean. Immediately after their flight left Delhi, I closed almost all rooms except one to keep these rooms in perfect order. But, yesterday night I found that even after my honest and sincere efforts to keep all rooms neat and clean, everything is not well in those rooms. Some dusts have appeared here and there.
But, there was another very serious problem! Yesterday night, I tried to take out a glass from the cupboard. While doing so, two goblets fell on the floor and were instantly broken. These goblets are very costly and generally not easily available. Needless to say that, the set of six goblets has been disturbed when two goblets broke. I am earnestly trying to find replacement at short notice but till now I have been unsuccessful. I have also requested many colleagues and friends to help me to find replacement, but they cannot show me any ray of hope in this regard.
I hope everyone now understands my predicament. My better-half would be very angry when she would find that her precious set of six goblets has been disturbed. Not only that, she will also be able to understand why I opened the cupboard (which I generally don't).
I have lost my mental peace. Desperately trying to find replacements for two broken goblets or a plausible excuse (may be an earthquake of low intensity).
I am waiting for an inevitable volley of rebuke from my wife when she returns!
Competition entry: Topic-based Thread of the Week contest for July- topic- Inevitable