Results of SuN's Special Funny Puzzle Quiz Contest
Members,Results of SuN's Special Funny Puzzle Quiz .
The participation of members was encouraging by one member participation. I am disappointed but happy that at least one member encouraged me through her participation. Ms. Sobha Wilson is the only participant who participated and won the contest as unopposed without anyone to compete. The right answers for the quiz are:
1. This member has 1000 kilograms weight – (Ton)y John
2. This member has a month written in short.- AB Sivaku(Mar)
3. This member has a season. – (Sharad)a
4. This member has a network.- U(mesh)
5. This member has a blood relative. - Sobha Wil(son)
6. This member has a small thing.- Pad(mini)
7. This member has the 23rd, 25th, 26th Alphabet. - (S(y)ed Ri(z)(w)an
8. This member has a bird.- Ven(kite)swaran
9. This member has a washing material. Dr. S(rin)ivasa Rao
10. This member has a group.- Deepali (Gang)war
Ms. Sobha Wilson has scored 5/10 and declared as the winner of this contest. Congrats.
Let us congratulate her not for winning, but for her participation with interest in this SuN's Special Funny Puzzle Quiz.
Congrats Ms Sobha Wilson. I like your zeal and enthusiasm. Well done. Keep it up.
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