Delhi's Chief Secretary was assaulted by goon turned MLAs of Aam Admi Party
The Chief Minister convened a meeting at his residence at 12 midnight. In the meeting, the top bureaucrat of Delhi, the Chief Secretary Mr. Anshu Prakash raised questions regarding AAP Government's excess spending on advertisements. The MLAs of Mr. Kejriwal got enraged and surrounded him. Amanatullah Khan, an MLA, kicked and slapped Mr. Prakash. The Chief Secretary complained against Khan and Saurabh Bhardwaj, another MLA, to the Lt.-Governor.The IAS Officers' Association has convened an emergency meeting to discuss the issue. Now, Amanatullah Khan and other AAP MLAs are denying the allegation. It is nevertheless expected. But those MLAs are complaining against BJP. Why, only Mr. Kejriwal and his MLAs know.