Is hypocrisy a part of human nature? If not, why do we pretend?
Do you consider hypocrisy natural to humans? Give supporting views on your opinion.
I don't want to make a general statement as such but I don't think it would be totally wrong to say that most of us are hypocrites; if not always, but certainly most of the time. We project ourselves in one way but are actually different when it comes to the point, to the point of an individual or beliefs or to something that relates or matters to us. We discuss about the evils in the society, about divide between rich and the poor, about secularism and religion, about freedom, corruption and so many issues that we experience or get to see around us. We do take sides at times as per our beliefs and convenience and remain neutral at times. Without going into many details, I will bring my point in with a few examples-
We talk against corruption and are vociferous when it comes to spewing criticism against corrupt officials and politicians; but we don't mind greasing one's palm when we want to get some job done.
We talk about secularism but are not really secular. We talk about being united in the name of a religion but shift our policies when it comes to a discussion regarding castes or sects within a religion.
We talk of patriotism and nationalism but get perturbed when someone criticizes your region; you forget nationalism and become a Keralite, Tamilian, Bihari or Bengali etc at the smallest provocation.
When this is the reality and when we know and understand what we actually are as human beings, why do we pretend? Does it help? Does it bring in positive results to the nation as a whole or is it that such hypocrisy functions as a negative trait which will only help in hiding/ distorting facts?
What is your frank and fair opinion?
Note: Any personal attack or reference to particular individuals (member or otherwise) in the garb of discussion will not (not) be encouraged. Let us discuss the topic.