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  • Is it possible to see bacteria with the naked eye?

    Is it possible to see bacteria with the naked eye?
  • Answers

    10 Answers found.
  • Hi,
    It is not possible to see bacteria with naked eye.Only through a microscope after staining the bacteria can see with eyes or aided eyes only can see bacteria.
    Bacterias are called Microscopic organisms.They are unicellular adn ubiquitous (found everywhere) It is found in soil,acidic hot springs, water, inside& outside of human body, etc....
    It has wide variety of shapes ranging from round to filament.

  • No we cannot see the bacteria with naked eye. We can see with a microscope.

  • helloo friend,
    bacteria can not be seen with the naked eye,
    because they are so small.from microscope we can see the bacteria's.
    best regards,

  • Even though bacterias are microscopic organism(which means not able to see through naked eyes), there are 2 which can be seen through naked eye.
    They are
    - Thiomargarita Namibiensis
    - Epulopiscium Fishelsone

  • Hi
    My dear friend we cannot see bacteria with our naked eyes
    Because human eyes are not that sensative to see the micro organism bacteria is an single sell micro organism it can be seen only through microscope, because its size is in microns, we cannot see a single bacteria but its different that we can see their colonies which contains millions of bacterias it looks and feels like jelly.
    thank you

  • hi this jayaram,
    my suggestions are follows:
    *Bacteria can't see through naked eye it can be seen through the microscope only.
    *BY using microscope also we can't see the bacteria because they have no colour .To make them visible chemist use some pigments or chemical .so that they can be viewed through the microscope.
    *they were mostly found in decayed matter ,wound in any organism,soil,etc
    *Bacteria are in different shapes (e.g.cylindrical)

  • Yes, Robinson correctly pointed out that only 2 bacteria can be seen with naked eyes.
    Thiomargarita namibiensis and Epulopiscium fishelsoni are the only two bacteria visible with naked eye.They are about 0.5 mm long and hence can be seen.
    Otherwise you normally can't see a bacterium!

    Dr. Gyan
    Have a good time.

  • Yes cluster of bacteria can be seen by nacked eye but very few not all.

  • we can see the bacteria with the help naked eye beacause all the bacterias are not invisible to our eye
    for example
    in our daily life we use curd in that ballicus acetobacter which is visible to our eye but we not concentrate
    such like
    Thiomargarita Namibiens
    Epulopiscium Fishelsone

  • Yes, there are some type of bacteria which can be seen through naked eye also.

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