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  • Law in cricket

    What is meant by duck worth Louis law?
  • Answers

    4 Answers found.
  • Duckworth Lewis is a Mathematical formulation designed to calculate the target score for the team of second batting in one-day or Twenty20 cricket match interrupted by weather or other circumstance. It is generally accepted and fair and accurate method of setting target score.

    Duckworth Lewis method was devised by two British statisticians Frank Duckworth and Tony Lewis, It was first used in International Cricket in the year of 1996 between Zimbabwe Vs England, in which Zimbabwe won by 7 runs and later formally adopted by the International Cricket Council in 2001 as a standard method of calculating target score when the Match is Stopped.

  • Duck worth Lewis law is used hen rain obstructs a match and when overs of the match has to be reduced so that match can be completed in the given time.
    It is a mathematical formula of calculating the runs and target of a team hen rain or bad light or any other reasons obstruct the match in between.
    It is commonly known as D/L method.

    This D/L method was designed by two English statisticians Frank Duckworth and Tony Lewis.
    This law was first used in 1996 in a match between England and Zimbabwe.
    In 2003 it was adopted by the International Cricket Council as the standard method of calculating target scores in rai delayed matches.

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