Impact of serial/daily soaps on Indian people both good and bad effects
In this article, you will know about different effects of serial and daily soap on Indian minds. Here you will know that which type of shows manipulate your mind in which way. How Different channels can help you to develop your mind in positive and how other channels like reality shows and other similar shows can create a bad impact on your mind. Impact/effect of television on youth and other generation all Such questions are going to be answered here.
Effect of daily soap and serials
There are lots and lots of serials or daily soaps which are entertaining a huge mass and not only entertaining them but also affecting their minds in different ways. Serials/Daily soaps are divided on different sections and can be categorize in two ways. One way is based on the age group such as kids, teenagers, adults, old age, family, etc and another way is the type of the show such as comedy, reality, emotional, educational, etc. Now what will be the effect of such shows on viewers mind will definitely going to depend upon that which type of show you generally watching. If you are watching channels like Discovery, National Geographic, etc then you will get good information and you will be informative. Here one more thing is their that if you watch such channels then you will be more curious to know different things and hence your mind will think more on that and it is some where possible that you will become intelligent.
So this is a good effect on human mind. If you watch news channels then you will be update to the latest news and that's important to remain in touch with the latest news. But what about those daily soaps or serials. Here we divide the serial and hence will get more clarification over the effect. If a person is in a habit to watch comedy serials then the effect is positive but other shows like reality shows, fictions shows somewhere develop a negative thoughts on viewers mind and now a days there is a trend of abusive shows which are becoming very much popular but such shows are making the people aggressive and developing a negative attitude among them. Some serials are such that they develop both good and bad effective on human mind as those shows include a character who plays role like villan and another character who play a role of hero.
In such a case many people like character of hero and sometimes it develops a good thinking on human mind but sometimes such characters when perform different stunts and people also tries to attempt it then the effect on mind becomes totally opposite. In such condition their is a risk to human life. But some people also love villan character and think in similar way as a villan thinks and this is the initial step of developing bad thoughts on mind. Such kind of shows have both aspects and depends on an individual that in which way he/she grasp it.
How to make such daily soaps/serials useful?
In daily soaps every thing is not negative as there are some positive aspects also which can even help you in some way. If you are watching a program and let it be your favorite one then you can inspire from good characters and motivate yourself to do such works but doing the stunts without any supervision then it can be a big trouble for you. You can analyse yourself this thing that such actions can't be performed at homes and there is always a big notice displayed that you should not try to attempt such actions/stunts at home so you should follow it strictly. As there are some motivational shows and informative shows also which will help you a lot on understanding the reality of the life and such shows sometimes encourage the people a lot so you should graps such things not that abusive and bad things.
It simply depends over an individual that how he/she react or think over such shows. Some people take it in a good way where as some people love to watch such reality shows which mostly shows the negative impacts. I can point out any single show it is understandable that which shows are good or which are bad for you. Still its your life and you are free to do or watch every thing but don't let it make a sharp or deep effect on your mind otherwise it can prove harmful for you in future. If you take such shows in good way then defiantly you are going to get some benefit and you can even develop your thinking skills.
Television is a medium which gives us the choice of watching the program we like at our convenience. I have always felt that we choose a program depending on our interest. Some like to watch soaps, some would go for movies while some others would prefer to watch news channels. With so many channels and programs on the air it has actually become difficult to make a choice. Things were different during the Doordarshan days when the choice was limited.
I have always entertained a feeling that the programs on television does not leave a lasting impression on us. We still remember 'Rajani' or 'Karamchand' or 'Yeh Jo Hain Zindagi' because they were the only programs available on Doordarshan those days. But what about the serials and other shows that are being aired on different channels from time to time. We forget about them as soon as a new serial starts being aired.
So, I am doubtful about a long time impact. Yes, their general content may influence our thoughts and behavior.
I absolutely agree with you that care should be taken to keep a watch on what our children view on the TV because they are fresh in their minds and are therefore likely to be influenced by what they see quite often and start thinking that what they see on television is what life is actually about.