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  • DDR1 and DDR2

    Hi everybody,

    I would like to know what is DDR and then what is the difference between DDR1 and DDR2 in RAMs.

  • Answers

    3 Answers found.
  • hello friends
    DDR1 & DDR2 not clearly explain but oldest mother board is used to DDR1 e.g. Mother board series is Intel 845 GVSR but latest mother board is used to DDR 2 in that different is RAM Chiip notch is both are different position.

    DDR1 Memory
    184-pin DIMM/ 200-pin SODIMM
    & DDR2 Memory >> 240-pin DIMM/ 200-pin SODIMM
    Speed >>
    DDR1] 200, 266, 333, 400
    2] 400, 533, 667MHz


  • One more differences

    DDR (Double Data Rate)

    1. DDR1 is 184 Pin and DDR2 is 240 Pin.

    2. DDR2 is much more faster than DDR1

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